Saturday, January 24, 2009

NEW: Devar torah given daily

BY : Rabbi Mendy Lerman
This week we started a new extravaganza: a anonymous person he’s take upon himself to donate fifty cents everyday to each child that will come to daven in Yeshiva. The money will be used (only) to buy sefarim, from Rodals. This accomplishes two things 1) it is a great way to get kids to come and daven
2) it keeps us from talking in middle of davening. A part of this project is to appoint a kid (in this case me) to say over a short word that has to do with davening.
For example, “the words in az yashir mean then we will sing.” Question: why does it use the expression of “then” for then means the future and the yidden sang Shira in the desert which was in the past. Answer: because it means that all the yidden with Moshe and Aharon and all the Tzadikim will sing together when Moshiach comes.
After shacharis each kid writes down the way he understood it and it adds up two points for various things like trips, melava malka etc…
Than you for taking your time to read my article..
A good Shabbos, R. Mendel Lerman

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